Secure entrance door, next to the manager's office with a lift and stairs to the first floor. Note flat 56 is close to the main stairs just inside the development.
With entrance door and warden system, double doors to shelved storage with the water cylinder and immersion.
Overlooks the front communal garden and pathway to the main communal door, wall mounted light fittings, double doors open to:
Comprised a good number of high and low level cupboard units, work surface and splash back tiling, inset sink and drainer, window, space for appliances including a cooker and fridge/freezer.
A generous double bedroom with built in mirror fronted double shelved and hanging wardrobe, separate tall wardrobe with hanging rail.
A four piece white suite comprising a low panelled bath, shower cubicle with shower curtain, WC, hand basin, extractor fan, handrail, wall mounted electric heater, mirror fronted bathroom cabinet.
Include gardens and parking. Internally Windmill Grange has a generous lounge, a dining room and a kitchen and a laundry room - all kept in very good order.
Tylers understand there are 95 years remaining on the lease with a £7499 annual service charge covering the 24hr onsite warden, water rates, buildings insurance, maintenance of all communal areas including external window cleaning and 1.5 hours of internal cleaning per flat per week.